It's hot.
No, no, now I know I always say that, but's HOT.
My little Weather Bug, which leaves the temperature on my toolbar, actually turned the numbers from black to RED yesterday when the reading went over 100....again.
Now I don't know why everyone hates Weather Bug. Whenever it's raining...hinting of raining...or humid even, I'm pulling up the radar. Cackling wildly, I'll rub my hands together as I announce, "look, look, that little red speck of storm is only like 10 miles away...wooo-hooo, we're in for it now!"
Since we haven't had rain for well over a month, I have to say I miss my little radar buddy. Though yesterday we did have some bizarre 3 minute rain shower, but alas it was not but a blip on the screen.
I realize I am a) bulgy and b) thyroidish, but something is definitely amiss. I have always had issues with temperature...uuup and down, uuup and down. I can always tell when I've gotten seriously overheated b/c it feels like my melon is starting to swell up. (This happens very quickly...generally I know that I can mow one side of the house, the front yard, but by the other side of the house my ears will be pounding in .25 seconds.) If you ever want to know what color puce is, it's generally my face at this point. However, lately I'm plagued with something similar to hot flashes. I can be standing somewhere, perfectly content, lots of yummy A/C when the back of my neck flares up. Pretty soon I'm doing the southern damsel thing, waving anything I'm holding in my hand at my face just to get some semblance of a breeze. (ever waved a shoe at your face? Well I have.) This happened the other day at a violin shop (don't ask). When I walked in, it was so cold I was considering buying an instrument just for the firewood. One hour later I'm using "Cello for beginners, Volume I" to fan myself. Hippy fiddler lady is giving me an odd look and I know she's wondering how much manhandling she should allow before she charges me for it. At home, we keep the temperature on 72 during the day, shades drawn. But like clockwork, around 5 pm I'm considering nudity as a valid lifestyle choice and cranking the A/C down. Even my cats are huddled together to ward off the cold, bonding together and calling a truce in their time of need with nary a swat to the others head.
I hate to say it, but I think I'm going to have to go have another @#$@# thyroid test. Not afraid of needles in the slightest, but that means I have to go out there....out into the "this is your brain on crack" type weather. I simply don't know how Moses did it.
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